The Club has reserves of US$50m as at February 2023 and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. We are rated "A- Excellent" by AM Best Company.

You can download our latest reports and accounts PDF from our publications page.

Financials for the year ended 20 February 2023

The Club reported a US$0.7m surplus for the 2022 Policy Year. Free reserves at the year-end stand at $50m, far exceeding the capital requirements of the Solvency II regime.

The main reasons the Association holds reserves are: to meet current and anticipated statutory solvency margins; to minimise the risks of matters that are outside the scope of solvency requirements materially affecting the Association’s financial results and to minimise the effect of any material change in the Association’s financial results on the level of contributions paid by Members. 


The Club’s primary investment objectives are the conservation and accumulation of capital to cover its future obligations and to support the business. The portfolio is invested in US dollar bonds, cash, equities and absolute return funds.

For the year ended 20 February 2023, the Club reported a 1.2% return, or US$0.6m.

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