Christopher Brown

Christopher Brown

Club Manager

work +44 (0)207 204 2140
work cell +44 (0)7386 658 583

Rajiv Harnal

Rajiv Harnal

Chief Financial Officer

work +44 (0) 20 7204 2474

Harriet Stillwell

Harriet Stillwell

Deputy Club Manager & Chief Operating Officer

work +44 (0) 207 204 2088
work cell +44 (0) 7502 620 038

Lyall Hickson

Lyall Hickson

Claims and Loss Prevention Director

work +44 (0)20 7204 2404

Jonathan Oak

Jonathan Oak

Senior Underwriter

work +44 (0) 207 204 2197
work cell +44 (0) 7392 136 877

Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson

Trainee Underwriter

work +44 (0) 207 204 2045
work cell +44 (0) 7503 214 216

Natalie Mannion

Natalie Mannion

Board Administrator / Marketing

work +44 (0)20 7204 2379
work cell +44 (0) 7385 382 958

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